I got up this morning and decided to talk a walk down on Harbor Blvd. towards Alki Beach.
Now West Seattle is a peninsula which goes out in to Puget Sound, so there is water all round.
My walk starts out pretty uneventful, in a small industrial area, then you come around the corner and you see downtown Seattle.

As I keep walking, next is Magnolia. There is park there called Discovery Park, great place for hiking and it also has an active Military Base.

All this is on my right hand side, on the left are condo's

Now, there are still some old original houses down there, but they get bought and put condo's up. The condo's run about 1 million plus, because of the view you get
As I am walking..I am getting passed by Joggers, skate boarder, skaters, and bicycles, it is a very popular area when it is nice.
After I pass downtown, I come up on the Olympics. Everyone knows about the Cascades on the east side, but on the west side, are they Olympics, on a good day if you are in the right part of town you can see both, but the Olympics are just as beautiful

I am coming around the corner, and I am coming up on Alki Beach. Now, during the summer and when the weather is nice, the place is packed. There is a beach, and lots of shops and restaurants. Parking is a bitch, but if you can find it, it is a great place to spend the evening. We even have a Statue of Liberty there.

So, that is why I love living in Seattle.