Monday, April 21, 2008

Awwww..just Fark it!

one of the site I like to go to is It is where I get most of my news. It is a pretty funny site, but the new on there is real news. hard to explain.

They also have FarkTV where they take news stories and redo them into to their own little movies. The best one I have seen so far is one they did when Dawn Wells, from Gilligan's Island, got busted with pot. well, you just have to see for yourself


Sue Tews said...

Ok, I have to say that was a really weird film how do you find these things? Happy you passed on your truck deal, finally. SNOW< no way. We don't want to see any of that.
Aunt Sue

Frank The Bear said...

I can't believe sweet MaryAnn (sweet OLD Maryann) is pot head. WOW.