Monday, January 28, 2008

Update time...WOOT!

Ok, ok..I know I have stepped away from this for a while, my bad....I need a spanking

First thing, ok, I have fallen off my diet a bit, yep, I did. This happens to me once in awhile. I haven' t stopped working out, thank god, but my eating part I have been slacking on. If I had stopped working out also, I would have put on a lot more than the 9 pounds I gained. I know I just have to hunker down and walk slowly away from the Ben and Jerry's. Damn Safeway for having them on sale. As I said, once I hunker down the weight will fall of like it did before. WOOT

I have dipped my toe in the dating pool, and I found the water to be quite pleasant. I have gone on 2 dates.
One was really nice, good guy, that is what I like, but ya know, there has to be that click, so, I don't know.
The other one was a REALLY nice guy, and fits about 98.9% of my list, which is nice.
Not to Jinx anything, but I am looking, forward to getting to know him better, and such. He is a really nice guy with a good heart, and a Longhorn.

The boys are doing fine. I had to take Dexter to the vet a couple weeks ago. Poor guy has a bone spur in his right shoulder. They gave me some meds, to help heal it, he is such a trooper for taking pills, I don't have to force them, no matter how bad they taste, he eats them right up. I think he does it, because he knows his brother isn't going to get any, so it is his way of gloating. "I get something and you don't"
But I do have to say, I am glad I have pet insurance through my work, because it cost a pretty penny. God I love my job.

I already want it to be spring, granted it is staying lighter now, but I want the rain to stop so I can get some work done on the yard. Funny, how when growing up, I hated yard work, but now as an adult, it helps me relax.

This last weekend, I went over to Tony, Tim, and Junior's to hang out and watch movies. Tony is in the Navy, so he was out to sea, it was just Tim and Junior. I took over 2 movies, Sunshine and Good Luck Chuck. Sunshine was ok, I was expecting more. Tim and Junior had seen it before, they liked it. Good Luck Chuck was actually funny. I am not a big Dane Cook fan, but Jessica Alba, is HOT! I know, you are thinking, how could a gay man think Jessica Alba is hot. Just because I am gay doesn't mean I can't appreciate a beautiful woman, and she is HOT. Not "team" switching hot, just so ya know. In between the movies we went out to dinner and they introduced me to "Guitar Hero 3". I will admit, I am not a big video game fan, but this was fun. I am not going to go out and buy a game console, but I know where to go now when I want to play a good video game.

That is about it, I am now all caught up! WOOT!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hi Redbear! A favor for a stranger... We met Tim Tony and Junior last spring in Las Vegas and then promptly lost their contact info...Google led me to your blog post... If you could pass on my e-mail to them and say that Russ and Joe say hi -- we'd be in your debt. thanks...