Wednesday, January 2, 2008

Here it is, second day into the new year, not a bad day. I was not feeling 100% when I got up this morning, so I called in to work to have the day to myself. It was something I needed.

Yesterday, work was boring, but I put in my 8 hours. That is good, because I got holiday pay also, so I actually got 16 hours. WHOO HOOO! Then afterwards, I headed to Burien, to my friend, Tim, Tony and Jr. "The Boys" for a nice Southern New Years dinner. When I got there, there were other people there I knew, it was nice.

They fixed, Ham, Collard Greens, black eyed peas, and Mac and Cheese. Tony said the Greens are for wealth for the next year, the peas were for good luck, and the ham was so you would not be hungry in the next year. I think I heard him right. And the Mac and was because they like Mac and Cheese. It was really a nice way to end the day.

Today, as I said, I did nothing. I did go see my friend Neil who is a reflexologist, Medicine Bear Healing Arts, is his business. My left foot has been bothering me and my doctor said it is becasue of my weight loss, and my foot size could be changing. So, I went to Neil, because he measures feet also. I did not know until today that to get a correct measurement, there are 3 different places you need to measure. He also wanted me to bring the shoes I wear the most so he could look at them.

Come to find out that I am not longer a13, but at 14D. For some reason, I thought my size would do down and not up. But now I know and there are some shoes I cannot wear any more, one of them being my cowboys boots. I can live with that, I can still use my ropers to dance, they are a size 14.

So, today was a good day, and I am back to the gym and work tomorrow...OH JOY!


Karen Tews Lien said...

Happy New Year! We are getting tons of snow here. How is it in Seattle? My oldest boy, Jared, just moved to Portland and I am SOOOO sad!

Sue Tews said...

Ok, Mark, you have been tagged. Check my blog.