Thursday, April 3, 2008

I Can Make You Thinner....Ya...Right

So, Sunday I was sitting on the couch watching TV, not much was on, and I saw on TLC, was the program "I Can Make You Thinner". Now, I have seen the commericals for this for quite a while and never really paid attention, thinking it was a lot of hooey.

I started watching the show, being bored and such, and it was about cravings. So, I watched it. Lot of testimonials, and such, and he kept on saying..." I will show you how to do this when we get back from break" I was thinking..he is just leading us on.

So, finally towards the end of the show, as I was sitting there watching..and thinking..."I could go for a snack", he finally show how to stop cravings. I followed along...and OH MY GOD, it urge for a snack went away.. BOOM.

I did not snack the rest of the evening, when I used his technique. So, I deiced to try to stick to my diet again and use his process..and it worked.

Here it is Thursday, I have stuck to my diet and have not had any cravings or snack attacks. And let me tell you, I have weak will power.

Go to TLC's website, and look for "I Can Make You Thinner" it is worth it.


Karen Tews Lien said...

Ok Mark, I saw the promos for this show and was like...scam artist! But, now I am thinking I will have to watch it! My biggest challenge is to not eat after 7 or 8pm at night. I am a big time "snacker" in front of the TV!

Anonymous said...

Howdy Mark,

I watch the show occasionally as well and agree, it all seems like a scam but was quite surprised that it worked!