We woke up again to snow..OMG, too much snow
Julie, Sarah and I went out to breakfast. The "original" pancake house, oy, far from the truth. They wouldn't make an omelet the way I wanted and...AND..they had no country gravy. I should have just walked out then. No gravy, that is unheard of.
We then dropped Sarah off and went back to Julies house to digest our breakfast.
We then took her dog Annie to the dog park.
Now, no dog is cuter than mine, but Annie is pretty dang close.
Annie just loves the dog park, she runs around and even looks for critters in the dirt, and I thought my boys were diggers...
After she had gotten all nice and muddy, we headed to the river for her to take a swim. Just watching her chilled me to the bone.
We then headed back and I got ready to leave.
My sister took me to the train station and my train was almost time time
As we headed up north, the snow started getting heavy again, I am so glad my camera has video
All and all it was a really good trip. I am glad I went