Monday, March 24, 2008

Lost Ambition

My ambition is gone. I has been for at least a month. I try to diet, but I can't stay on it like I did. I try to work out, but the passion I had for it before is gone. Thing is, I don't know why.

This happens to me, I do really well for a bit, then boom, I am off back to the way I was before. This is a pattern for me.

I try forcing myself to go and workout, but something in my head over rides it. If I was able to harness the way I am feeling right now to make me work out, I would be running a marathon.

I am hoping this passes. I don't like feeling this way. I have gained 15 pounds, so that really doesn't help.

I will buckle down soon and be back to my old self. This is odd that this happens to me.

1 comment:

Frank The Bear said...

Diet, Food, and Plan are all four letter words. Just sayin