OK, I have stepped away from this from a bit and I am sorry. Call me lazy, but I have been trying to keep myself busy, plus doing a lot of thinking. Let me see if I can get caught up.
Work has been going good, bit busy, been working 10.5 hour days, 5 days a week. Friday's are all over time for me, which it nice, I could use the money.
Still seeing Tom, I think, kind of. He is a great guy, and I really like him, but seeing him once every two weeks is a bit tough. We went to a ball game a couple weeks ago and it was really nice. The last weekend in May I am going to fly down to were he works , LA, and spend the weekend. His birthday is May 28th and mine is June 2nd, so that weekend is right in between the two. It should be a nice trip. My brother lives in the LA area, so I am going to try to meet up with him when I am down there.
I finally met Kevin's new boyfriend, Kevin is my ex, he seems like a really nice guy. I went out country dancing, where he and Kevin where. Not the best place to try to have a conversation, with music blaring, and such. As long as Kevin is happy, that is all that matters.
The diet, well, sucks, I have gained 20 pounds, yes 20. No reason, just plain lazy and not eating right. I don't know how I do so well, the stop, for some reason I just can't continue on. That is a habit I need to break. I do like doing the South Beach Diet, that worked best for me, I just need to stick to it and hunker down.
I bought a new scale from Costco online, a really nice one, tell weight, body fat and body hydration. I am going to start my diet back up on Sunday, and weigh myself twice a week, Sunday and Wednesday. On those days I will post my weight on the site so you all can see how I am doing. Maybe some group encouragement will help. Granted, the only one that can really help me, is myself.
I also got a new camera from Costco online, really nice one. My other one was too old, so look for more pictures also.
I also have been doing a lot of yard work, at home. The weather has been semi nice, so I decided to get the yard work done. To be honest, I really do like yard work, hated as a kid, like it as an adult. So I have been pulling weeds, putting down sod, planting, just one busy bear. I will post before and after pictures so you can see my progress.
That is about it for now, I will post more later.