Sunday, May 11, 2008

Mother's Day

Well, today is Mother's day. To me, it is just another day, at least I like to try to treat it that say. It has a double whammy meaning to me, and not in a good way.

First, my mother passed away 13 year ago, since then Mother's day has lost it meaning. I had bf's in the past that let me "share" their mother, with me, but that just isn't the same. I do miss my mom very much. One thing I did to help remember her, is that her favorite flower was the daisy, so every place I have lived I plant daisies to remind me of her.

Second, my father passed away on Mother's Day, 4 years ago. That day is stuck in my mind forever. Took my Step mom out for lunch, then went and saw my dad in the care facility, and heading back up to Portland. When I got home, I got the call that my dad had passed away. I miss him a lot too.

I do have to say this, cherish the time with your parents, because you never know when they will be taken from you. I miss mine greatly, I have no regrets, but one...that they can't see what I have done with my life, and share that with them.

Ok, I got to go, I can't type anymore.....

1 comment:

Karen Tews Lien said...

You are in my thoughts today. I can't believe it has been 13 years since your Mom passed away. Thanks for reminding us all how important family is. If you ever want to chat - drop me an email. Better yet...come visit us! We are not that far away! Moscow is about a 5 1/2 hour drive - Uncle Jim and Aunt Sue are going to be here this Summer and would also love to visit with you.