Sunday, December 16, 2007 figure

I woke up the other morning and logged into Bear411, and I had a message from someone that I had chatted with on off over the last couple years but not that frequently. He sent me message that surprised me, but in a good way. He said that he had been doing the South Beach Diet for 2 weeks, and had lost 8 pounds, and it was because he had been reading my profile on Bear 411, and I inspired him.

I was at a loss, I don't think I have ever inspired anyone before. I told him to keep up the good work and that I am glad he is doing well on the diet.

Me, an inspiration..who'd of thunk...

1 comment:

Sue Tews said...

Great job Mark, you are an inspiration to alot of people. Keep up the good work, very proud of you.
Aunt Sue