Sunday, December 23, 2007

Technology SUCKS

I am pretty much a geek, I know a lot about computers and such. But what happened last night, will stab any computer person right through the heart.

My hard drive crashed.

we are not talking Virus or anything like that...It was like this.."what is that grinding soung" Then the Blue Screen of death, then nothing. I rebooted and just got a blinking cursor, and of course the lovely grinding sound. Did I back up my stuff..NOOOOOOO I have about 2 years of stuff on that drive, my banking, my taxes, photos people sent me, email addresses. All gone.

The worse part is, I don't have the funds to get a new hard drive. I had to take Dexter to the vet, last week becsue he was limping. And for you that have pets know...nothing is more important than their health!

So here is my dilema, I need a new hard drive, it could be a month before I can afford a new one, do I am going to swallow my pride and see if anyone want to "donate" to my hard drive fund.

Right now I am using my computer at work, and that will be the only internet access I will have until I get a new hard drive.

So, If anyone wants to help a bear out, I have set it up do that people can donate to my pay pal account.

I am sure I will get grief from this, but it can't hurt to ask.

To donate, just click on the link the right

Thank for you help

1 comment:

darcee said...

OMG you look GREAT!!

I am so sorry about your HD.

Love you, I was just thinking about how great it was to see you last year.

Merry Christmas and hugs from your family in Portland.